Words and Music By Sam Creigh
Sam Says: This is a protest song that attempts to address the deliberate social engineering that is slowly but steadily manipulating us into a police state here in the land of the free. The best way for us to resist is to move ourselves in the opposite direction. To do this requires booting all Republicans and Democrats out of office, regaining our national sovereignty, and regaining local control in our communities. The biggest challenge will be to turn our broken economic system around. It is imperative that every able-minded American actively participate. Talking about it is over.
Whatever happened to our soul
It fell down into a rabbit hole
Whatever happened to our pride
It snuck out into the wilderness to hide
It's often said that freedom isn't free
It's forged with blood in the fight for liberty
The time has passed to sit and talk the talk
It's time to stand up now and walk the walk
We all heard MLK* rightly say
That silence is betrayal today
It's said that our schools are in decline
And it seems our country isn't far behind
It's all for the common good we say
But there are new slaves shackled each and every day
The time has passed to sit and talk the talk
It's time to stand up now and walk the walk
Trade your rights for security
And you'll have neither in the land of the free
Stand up in your cities and your towns
And say we're not going to take it from these clowns
We all know that freedom isn't free
It's forged with blood in the fight for liberty
The time has passed to sit and talk the talk
It's time to stand up now and walk the walk
It's time to take back our local control
It's time to take back what's happened to our soul
*Martin Luther King, Jr.
Beyond Vietnam--A Time To Break Silence
Delivered 4 April, 1967 at Riverside Church in New York City